How PeTai Works

Experience seamless AI-powered tutoring in just a few simple steps

Sign Up

Create your PeTai account in seconds with just your email

Get started on your personalized learning journey with a simple registration process.


Create Learning Profile

Tell us about your academic level, subjects, and learning goals

Our AI analyzes your preferences to customize your learning experience.


Select Study Mode

Choose between doubt resolution or structured learning sessions

Flexible options for both quick problem-solving and comprehensive topic coverage.


Receive Confirmation

Get session details and preparation instructions via email

Instant confirmation with a secure link to join your tutoring session.


Add Study Material

Upload your questions or topics you want to cover

Share specific problems or broader topics you'd like to understand better.


Schedule Session

Book an AI tutoring session at your preferred time

Available 24/7, choose any time that works best for your schedule.


Join Interactive Session

Connect with your AI tutor for personalized learning

Engage in dynamic, interactive learning with real-time explanations and visualizations.


Learn & Practice

Get instant answers, practice problems, and track progress

Receive immediate feedback and adaptive exercises to reinforce your learning.